In an increasingly technology-driven world, fostering creativity is essential for encouraging innovation and societal growth.


Supporting visual arts in schools provides a crucial avenue for nurturing human creativity, allowing individuals to express their thoughts, emotions, and unique perspectives. The “Happy Times” Calendar Art Contest offers K-12 students a platform to explore their imagination and experiment with new ideas by drawing something that brings them joy. This initiative engages 3,000 students in the joy of creativity, celebrating their artistic talents and uniting communities through the universal language of art. Your support for this contest resonates with a diverse audience dedicated to fostering creativity and positivity, inspiring individuals to think outside the box and promoting a culture of innovation and originality.

Creativity not only benefits individuals but also enriches society by bringing forth new perspectives. The ability to think creatively is an asset for navigating the complexities of an ever-changing world. Investing in the “Happy Times” Calendar Contest empowers individuals to embrace imagination, resilience, and fresh perspectives, contributing to the development of a dynamic and adaptive society.


Our 2023 accomplishments

Our 2023 Accomplishments

The POP Foundation achieved significant milestones last year to with education-based and community-inspired programs.

People Over Profit (POP) Foundation Appoints New Leadership

Meet the team who will bring the organization to new heights!

2024 POP Foundation Scholarship Recipients

Each year, ten exceptional students are recognized for their academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and community involvement.


The Silver State Schools CU People Over Profit (POP) Foundation is a Nevada nonprofit charitable 501(c)(3) organization, EIN 83-1332084. Financial contributions may be deductible for federal income tax purposes as allowed by law. Please consult with your financial advisor to determine the extent of tax deductibility.